Aromatherapy Benefits Series: Copaiba
What can we do to protect ourselves from infections?
Fighting the risk of contagious disease is the number one subject in all Media due to Coronavirus. Two of the main benefits of using essential oils topically such as Camphor or Copaiba are antibacterial and immune health.
Copaiba essential oil is derived from the resin of the copaiba tree. Since the 16th century, copaiba essential oil has been utilized in traditional health practices by the natives of north and northeastern Brazil. Similar to Black Pepper essential oil, Copaiba can help soothe anxious feelings and it can be applied to the skin to promote a clear, smooth complexion. Taken internally, Copaiba essential oil supports the health of the cardiovascular, immune, digestive, and nervous systems. It also helps support a healthy inflammatory response. Copaiba can be added directly to the mouth to cleanse and soothe the gums and oral cavity. Although Copaiba does not contain psychoactive cannabinoids, the main component, β-caryophyllene, may be neuroprotective and may have cardiovascular and immune benefits when consumed.* It’s also a powerful antioxidant that promotes immune health.
Copaiba Essential Oil Benefits
* Supports the health of the cardiovascular, immune, and digestive systems when ingested
* Powerful antioxidant when used internally
* Internal use helps calm, soothe, and support the nervous system
* Promotes clear, smooth skin and reduces the appearance of blemishes
Our “Natural Solutions with Essential Oils & Dowsing” will provide information and will be a great occasion to have your questions answered by professional experts of holistic alternative medicine. View Details >>
You can find more benefits of Aromatherapy, the science of essential oils usage in Fabienne Doterra site HERE!