Do you know that our Soul can heal your heart chakra?
Healing Heart Chakra workshop is an invitation to identify and use your soul as a source of healing energy and wisdom to attune your inner-self to your aura and reset energetically your DNA as well.
Since everything is energy, it only makes sense to align the intent of peace, harmony, and love with your soul purpose in action. Being spiritual means working on self-actualization through daily practice. This workshop will give you tools to clear blocks, reframe your unconscious limitations and false beliefs and experience the freedom and love that are your birthrights.
Healing your "Heart Chakra" and breaking down the heart wall will free you from emotional isolation and sadness. You will feel empowered, more sincere, able to love and forgive yourself and others regardless of your circumstances. The multiple benefits are feeling more comfortable within yourself, be more visible by others, standing out with the truth, stepping into your physical, emotional and spiritual power in a loving way.
Fabienne Marneau, clairvoyant energy healing practitioner, hypnotherapist, aesthetician, ATP® spiritual counselor, mindset and business coach, artist, founder of Heart Soul Therapy will guide you in your heart chakra healing.
Donna Lang Stoffel will present the BEMER cardiovascular device capable to regulate and increase blood flow for emotional and physical benefices when use just 8 minutes twice a day. Participants will be able to experience BEMER Therapy during the workshop.
Let’s the healing grace begin, all points lead to Now!
When: May 16th from 1:30 pm to 3:30 pm
Location: Awakenings, 25260 La Paz Road, Laguna Hills, CA 92653
Booking: $45 at door, prepaid online is only $35 https://www.destinationharmony.com/product-page/heart-chakra-healing
Contact: SMS (949) 294-9893 - fabienne@destinationharmony.com